MI_AO (Audio Output)
Overview of MI_AO:

MI_AO manages the audio output settings such as volume and mute state. It is capable of handling different audio channels and provides a command interface for setting audio parameters.

Hey! Some info for you!

- Only one instance of AO can be spawned at any given time!

- If your app is going to spawn one, you'll need to kill audioserver before getting started!

- You can do this by running `. /mnt/SDCARD/.tmp_update/script/stop_audioserver.sh`

Example of MI_AO Commands:
Terminal Icon

set_ao_mute [ON/on/1, OFF/off/0]; Enable/Disable AO mute.

set_ao_volume [ChnID] [-60 ~ 30dB]; Set AO volume.

set_ao_src_volume [ChnID] [-60 ~ 30dB]; Set AO Src volume.

dump [Path] [FrameCount]; Dump pcm data.

Example of MI_AO status output:
Terminal Icon

/proc/mi_modules/mi_ao # cat ./mi_ao0

-----------------------------------------Common info for mi_ao-----------------------------------------

ChnNum EnChnNum PassNum InPortNum OutPortNum CollectSize

0 0 1 0 0 0

----------------------CMDQ kickoff counter-----------------------

------------------------------Common info formi_ao only dump enabled chn------------------------------

ChnId PassNum EnInPNum EnOutPNum MMAHeapName

-------------------------Input port common info for mi_ao only dump enabled port---------------------

ChnId PassId PortId user_buf_quota UsrInjectQ_cnt BindInQ_cnt TotalPendingBuf_size usrLockedInjectCnt

ChnId PassId PortId newPulseQ_cnt nextTodoPulseQ_cnt curWorkingQ_cnt workingTask_cnt lazzyRewindTask_cnt

ChnId PassId PortId Enable bind_module_id bind_module_name bind_ChnId bind_PortId bind_Type bind_Param enable

ChnId PassId PortId LowLatencyDelayMs LastStaticDelayAveMS

ChnId PassId PortId SrcFrmrate DstFrmrate RealSrcFrmrate FPS FinishCnt RewindCnt

----------------------Output port common info for mi_ao only for enabled port---------------------

ChnId PassId PortId usrDepth BufCntQuota usrLockedCnt totalOutPortInUsed DrvBkRefFifoQ_cnt DrvBkRefFifoQ_size

ChnId PassId PortId RealDstFrmrate FPS UsrGetFifoQ_cnt UsrGetFifoQ_size UsrGetFifoQ_seqnum UsrGetFifoQ_discardnum

ChnId PassId PortId workingTask_cnt finishedTask_cnt

ChnId PassId PortId RealDstFrmrate FPS FinishCnt RewindCnt GetTotalCnt GetOkCnt


ChnId PassId PortId Enable bind_module_id bind_module_name bind_ChnId bind_PortId bind_Type bind_Param enable

======================================Private AO0 Info ======================================

-----Start AO Dev0 Attr------------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev SampR BitWidth SondMod PtNumPerFrm bMute VolumeDb bStartPcmOut ChnCnt

LineOut 48000 16bit stereo 768 0 (-10 ,-10 ) 1 2

I2sMode I2sMclk I2sFmt bI2sSync

i2s-mas disable I2S-MSB 0

-----End AO Dev0 Attr--------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Start AO CHN0 STATUS----------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bReSmp InSampR OutSampR

LineOut 0 0 0 48000

AoDev AoChn TotalFrmCnt TotalSize RunTime

LineOut 0 4266 4359680 1717016419

-----Start AO CHN0 Usr Queue STATUS------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn MaxSize RemainSize TotalSize RunTime

LineOut 0 51200 0 4359680 1717016419

-----AO CHN0 Vqe STATUS------------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bVqe WorkRate PoiNum

LineOut 0 0 0 0

-----AO CHN0 Anr STATUS------------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bAnr AlgorithmMode Speed Intensity SmoothLevel

LineOut 0 0 0 speed-low 0 0

-----AO CHN0 Eq TATUS--------------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bEq AlgorithmMode

LineOut 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-----AO CHN0 Hpf STATUS------------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bHpf AlgorithmMode HpfFreq

LineOut 0 0 0 0

-----AO CHN0 Agc STATUS------------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bAgc AlgorithmMode AttackTime ReleaseTime DropGainMax

LineOut 0 0 0 0 0 0

Input Compression ratio:

0 0 0 0 0

Output Compression ratio:

0 0 0 0 0

GainInit GainMin GainMax NoiseGateAttenuationDb NoiseGateDb TargetLevelDb

0 0 0 0 0 0

-----AO CHN0 Adec STATUS-----------------------------------------------------------------------

AoDev AoChn bAdec Type SondMod SampR

LineOut 0 0 g711a mono 0

-----End AO Chn0 STATUS------------------------------------------------------------------------

/proc/mi_modules/mi_ao #

Example of MI_AO interaction:
Terminal Icon

Change the volume of channel 0 (-30, 30, etc):

echo "set_ao_volume 0 -20dB" > /proc/mi_modules/mi_ao/mi_ao0

Change the volume of channel 1:

echo "set_ao_volume 1 10dB" > /proc/mi_modules/mi_ao/mi_ao0

Change mute state (0 not muted, 1 muted):

echo "set_ao_mute 1" > /proc/mi_modules/mi_ao/mi_ao0